GetMoney is your access to the set of convenient customizable tools for easy money acceptance

Track down you payments history in the personal cabinet

Track your payments and change the sum of invoice amount

  • Setup your client base
  • Setup your payment page by getting information from the client – name, email, phone and address

How the application works

Payees can enjoy a really convenient opportunity to collect payments and enjoy real-time payments that go directly into their bank account or card

  • Cashless payments via QR code
  • Instant transfer on account or card
  • Setting up of the personal page
Help Center

If you have any difficulties we will be happy to help you.

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More Details

Why are you doing this?

We exist to assist tipped specialists win more.

As we utilize cash less and less frequently, numerous in neighbourliness have seen their profit drop significantly.

People still need to tip and say thank you for a brilliant benefit, but without cash it’s getting to be harder and harder to do.

We are creating an insurgency within the world of tipping. Coordinate, straightforward and cashless. It’s way better for clients who can have the certainty their tip goes to the individuals who merit it, way better for staff who get to keep more of their tips, and superior for administrators who don’t have the cerebral pains and taken a toll of regulating card tips.

It’s a triple win!

What around payments and service charges included to the bill?

What most individuals don’t know is that after you include a payment to your card or pay a service charge included to the bill, this cash doesn’t go straight to the individual who served you. It goes to the proprietor or administrator of the restaurant, café, or bar.

It’s at that point completely up to them whether they pay a few or all of this cash to their staff. A few do, but numerous don’t. They utilize it to beat up manager’s pay rates, move it from site to site, indeed spend it on staff nourishment and regalia or fair keep it as profit. We think that’s unjustifiable.

Indeed, great, legitimate administrators who need to donate all this cash to staff battle to do so. It’s officially and legitimately complicated to do. They ought to pay tall expenses to legal counsellors to create beyond any doubt it’s done legitimately, and especially smaller administrators can be constrained to keep a rate of the payments to cover these costs.

By taking the owner or administrator out of the loop, we simply allow more of the cash to urge to the tipped specialists and makes beyond any doubt you've got total transparency about how much they will get.

Why do you add card fees?

We can’t maintain a strategic distance from the tall costs of instalment card handling. At the minute, this costs us 20p also 2% of each transaction.

BUT, the greater we get, the lower the card handling expenses will be. Tip with we and make a revolution!

Is it secure?

It’s totally secure. Our framework is built utilizing the same security utilized by most banks and budgetary educate. We never holds your card data, but this goes through our instalment handling company, who are one of the biggest within the world and work to the most elevated benchmarks within the industry.

We don’t utilize your information for any other reason than getting your tip to the tipped specialist, and won’t utilize it for showcasing or anything else unless you select to pick in.

If you need to shut your account, you'll be able to do so by submitting an ask our team.

How does it work lawfully?

We work as a commercial operator to our tipped specialist clients. We concur a contract which each of them to collect tips about their sake.

How will the person I’ve tipped know I’ve tipped them?

Once you tip, you'll select to share your profile data with the recipient – that way they’ll know it was you! If you incline toward, you'll moreover tip anonymously.

How much does the recipient get?

When you tip, we’ll appear you the precise sum that the beneficiary will get.

Can I customize my home page?

You'll be able to redo your domestic page inside the plan rules, counting a brief bio. We’re working on including joins for your social accounts for Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or YouTube.